Title: The Crusades - Grades 10-12
- NYS Standard
- World History: Use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.
-NCSS Standards
– Power, Authority, and Governance: Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of how people create, interact with, and change structures of power, authority, and governance.
- Global Connections: Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of global connections and interdependence.
Overall Lesson Objectives:
- Students will assess global history and the connections between the past and the present with regard to tensions between western culture and the middle east through the examination of the crusades of the middle ages.
Procedural Objectives:
- Students will be introduced to the subject matter following the guidelines of the Learning Cycle Method through the observation of relevant artifacts and a film Kindgom of Heaven, which is based on the crusades. Opened ended questioning will provoke deeper exploratory reflection and discussion amongst the students. This is meant to heighten student anticipation for the further development of the crusades lesson.
- Formal Assessments: a research paper focusing on specific aspects of the crusades that is also meant to tie into the bigger picture of the crusades as a whole as well as a class presentation to accompany the subject matter of the paper.
- Informal Assessments: class participation in group discussions and group activities.
- Television or digital projector, dvd player or laptop
- Movie
- Artifacts such as a map
- Tests
Exploratory Phase:
- Begin with bringing in artifacts: armor, a medieval map, etc.
- Show the film (or parts) Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
- Have the students reflect on the film in discussion groups
- Ask open ended questions: What do you think life was like during the crusades? How do you think warfare was different then when compared to now? Why were people fighting during the crusades? Who were the participants?